You’ve probably heard these lines from a friend, a neighbor, or maybe even your mother, aunts, and grandmother:
“Too much exercise wears me out and just makes me tired!”
“Diabetes runs in my family; I doubt anything can prevent it.”
“Exercise helps my heart and muscles, drinking milk helps my bones.”
and our favorite—
“It’s too late to start exercising and building muscle at my age.”
So many generations of women have lived by these exercise myths— so much so that they’ve become a belief system in our culture and, let’s face it, an excuse to stop working hard for a healthier life.
What’s more heartbreaking about these myths is they make us feel helpless against our genetics and the aging process— the two things that we readily blame for the diseases we suffer and the weakness, injuries, and limited mobility we experience as we grow older.
The truth is, our common beliefs are just wrong! We have significantly more control over the factors that can change the way we age and improve our quality of life!
Let’s debunk the biggest exercise myths and talk about how a healthy, more active lifestyle and a breakthrough supplement formulated for better aging can help us flip the aging switch and reverse the visible signs of aging, leaving us stronger, more energized, and looking younger than ever!
Being well-rested is essential. But the right way to get it is by having enough restorative and rejuvenating deep sleep during your sleep time. Aside from that, you don’t need more rest. So, instead of taking naps during the day, get your body moving!
Research results conclude that raising your heart rate in short bursts for 10 to 12 minutes is beneficial, especially for your cardiovascular health. This is why High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is on the rave now.
In fact, a study on cardiac rehabilitation published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information shows that patients with cardiac issues showed more improvements when engaged in HIIT compared to those who do moderate-intensity aerobic exercises.
Bottom line: Get enough deep sleep so your body can unload toxins, repair its tissues, and regenerate its cells. And instead of spending more time resting, do a workout!
Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying walking is not good. It’s certainly a lot better than being sedentary, sitting at your desk from 9 to 5. But speed makes walking an actual exercise instead of just a physical activity.
So instead of merely strolling, do brisk walking. A good rule of thumb is to walk fast enough to get winded, but not too fast that you can’t keep a conversation. This rule makes it ideal to go brisk walking with a companion.
However, if you want a more accurate measurement, your smartwatch or phone should indicate that you’re walking at 3 miles per hour.
The truth is, our genetics plays a small part in our health and how we age. Our genes only tell us which diseases we are vulnerable to or predisposed to have. BUT our lifestyle choices determine whether we develop the disease or not.
You can think of your genes as a library, and your lifestyle choices are the books you choose to check out of that library. In other words, you have control over your health. You own the journey to better, healthier aging! How liberating is that?!
Let’s talk about what you can do in terms of sleep, diet, and exercise to override our genes and age better while debunking more myths along the way:
Many of us assume that it’s alright to sleep less as we age, but that’s not true! Even if perimenopause and menopause make it challenging for us to sleep well, we should always strive to have quality sleep, regardless of our age.
And when we say quality sleep, we don’t just mean sleeping 7 to 9 hours every night. Contrary to popular belief, sleep quantity (hours of sleep) is just one factor for a good night’s sleep. The other and more important factor is sleep quality which you can only achieve if you get deep sleep.
Deep sleep— also called slow-wave or delta sleep— is when your body undergoes healing, repair, and restoration. During deep sleep:
In addition, unlike our body, our brain only gets rid of toxins and waste byproducts during our sleep. So, if we don’t get quality sleep, it’s like storing garbage in our brains! This pile of brain garbage can increase our risk of developing dementia and add more to our stress which accelerates the aging process!
All of these happen and apply to us no matter our age or what’s written in our genes. Therefore, every one of us should always do our best to get good quality sleep.
Here’s what you can do to get more deep sleep:
Sticking to a healthy diet is not just about weight management— it’s an essential factor in aging better and healthier, too. And regardless of your age, you can start eating healthy now and still benefit from the results.
In fact, studies show that 90-year-olds who changed their diets at that age lived longer lives compared to those who didn’t. So the lesson here is: it’s never too late to start eating healthy!
Improve your diet by:
Exercise has no age limit, but not exercising is age-limiting! You are never too late to start exercising, even if you were never active your whole life!
Regardless of your age, you can build a more active lifestyle to prevent the diseases you’re vulnerable to from developing.
Also, there’s no such thing as “the best day to start exercising.” This myth is more of an excuse. The best day to start exercising is TODAY!
The most recommended exercise is HIIT (as mentioned earlier) and weight lifting, strength training, or resistance training. But you must consult your physician first to make sure you can ease into your workouts and avoid injury. You might also need a trainer to help you until you can safely perform our workouts independently.
The bottom line is our genes and age don’t affect our health and quality of life as much as our lifestyle choices. Surrendering to what comes with our genes and age impacts our health the most!
This exercising myth needs to die because it scares women beyond 40 to start exercising. Inflammation— your body’s response to protect itself from infections and heal itself of its injuries— is what causes your aches and pains, not exercising and certainly not aging! Inflammation results in redness, swelling, and pain.
Inflammation is a healthy and necessary bodily response, but it becomes unhealthy when severe and chronic. Unhealthy inflammation causes chronic pain and puts you at risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and arthritis.
Unhealthy inflammation makes it difficult and painful for you to move. And when you lack movement and physical activity, your muscles will begin to weaken and waste away.
Without remedy, you’ll eventually experience excessive muscle loss, which further inhibits your activity and impairs your body’s ability to recover from injury, leaving you with chronic pain and discomfort.
Apart from that, chronic inflammation accelerates skin aging. It breaks down collagen, making your skin wrinkle, sag, and look crepey!
SOLUTION: Exercise!
Au contraire, exercising helps prevent osteoporosis from occurring or getting worse. However, not all exercises can do the trick. Your bones need pressure to grow healthier and stronger. Therefore, you should engage in weight-bearing exercises.
Changing your diet also helps fight osteoporosis:
Not many people realize the relevance of diet and the proper form of exercise to bone health. That’s why osteoporosis is an epidemic that’s been causing falls and broken hips for generations. Now that you have this knowledge, you can help end this epidemic.
Just like in exercising, there’s no age limit for muscle building!
Even if your body started losing collagen and muscle after you turned 30, you could prevent further muscle loss by adopting a healthier, more active lifestyle!
Eating clean and working out are huge factors in preventing muscle breakdown and promoting muscle mass and strength. And if you haven’t started then, you can definitely start now. You can build and sculpt muscle at any age!
Weight training, strength training, and resistance training are particularly helpful in building and sculpting muscles for women over 40.
Doing some household chores such as gardening, cleaning the house, and doing laundry also qualifies as strength training and medium-intensity cardiovascular exercise.
Now, in case you’re wondering, here’s why it’s essential to maintain healthy muscle mass and strength:
Simply put, healthy muscles promote healthy aging and good quality of life for decades to come!
In summary, exercising— along with a healthy diet and quality sleep— gives us the upper hand over genetics and our age in keeping our body healthy.
But this magic trio becomes more powerful when combined with a cutting-edge dietary supplement specifically formulated to help women maximize the benefits of exercise for better, healthier aging!
Age better and live the best years of your life by taking a scientifically proven dietary supplement formulated for women to optimize muscle health and reverse the signs of aging!
AgelessLX, the aging expert for women worldwide, brings you a breakthrough dietary supplement packed with potent and patented ingredients that preserve muscle mass and promote muscle growth!
Not only that— these ingredients also boost your body’s own collagen production to help your skin regain its firmness, suppleness, and youthful, radiant glow! Thousands of women have seen and felt astounding, age-defying results that leave people guessing their age!
AgelessLX is the bones and muscle health powerhouse that contains:
But wait, there’s more!
AgelessLX also offers a life-changing program called Ageless Transformations, exclusively to their valued members!
The Ageless Transformations program contains a step-by-step roadmap towards better nutrition and a more active lifestyle! It gives you access to recipes that feature foods rich in dietary minerals and workouts that build muscles and burn fat!
The AgelessLX supplements and the Ageless Transformations program is the power duo you need to reverse the signs of aging, fight inflammation, strengthen your bones, override your genes, and live a much healthier life regardless of age!
Join the mission to change the way you age today!
Caffeine effects on sleep taken 0, 3, or 6 hours before going to bed - PubMed (
Sleep Quality: How to Determine if You’re Getting Poor Sleep | Sleep Foundation
Resistance training – health benefits - Better Health Channel
Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs (
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
**Individuals may have received free product or compensation in exchange for their honest review. Individual results will vary. All other benefits/effects noted in these testimonials/reviews are the individuals’ personal opinions and have not been studied.
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